3.5.9-1. The molecule of N2 is exceptionally inert and, as a consequence, does not react with other substances in the environment. In contrast, elemental phosphorus (white phosphorus, P4) is a highly reactive substance that easily combines with oxygen in the atmosphere.

3.5.9-2. The nitrogen-nitrogen bond is a triple bond (N≡N or N:::N), which makes it very strong and energetically demanding to cleave. In the molecule of N2, each N atom has 8 electrons in the outermost shell, which makes the N atoms "happy" (the octet rule).

3.5.9-3. N2 + 3 H2 = 2 NH3; (c) and (d).

3.5.9-4. Both. The higher the pressure, the better it is for the process. In contrast, the temperature of the NH3 synthesis is carefully optimized. Although raising the temperature accelerates the reaction, it also shifts the equilibrium N2 + 3 H2 ⇄ 2 NH3 to the left because the reaction is exothermic. See Volume 2, section 2.12.5.

3.5.9-5. (b).

3.5.9-6. (c).

3.5.9-8. (d).

3.5.9-10. False. Although the formation of hydrogen in a reaction of HNO3 with a metal is seldom observed, some metals do react with dilute HNO3 to give H2. For example, H2 is the main reduction product of the reaction of highly diluted nitric acid with magnesium.

3.5.9-11. The nature of the metal and acid concentration.

3.5.9-12. Cu, Hg, and Ag are the least reactive metals that can reduce HNO3. On treatment with concentrated HNO3, these metals produce NO2. Dilute HNO3 reacts with these metals to give NO. For the balanced equations, see Figures 3-51, 3-52, and 3-53.

3.5.9-13. (a) NO2; (b) NO and NO2; (c) NH4+, N2, N2O, and NO. See 3.5.5.

3.5.9-14. Both. Al and Fe do not react with highly concentrated HNO3, but do react with dilute HNO3. Containers made of aluminum or steel can therefore be used to store and transport HNO3, but only of high concentration.

3.5.9-15. (b).

3.5.9-20. Phosphoric acid is a tribasic acid that can form three types of salts depending on how much metal hydroxide is used per certain amount of the acid (see Figure 3-70). 49 g of H3PO4 = 0.5 mol; 40 g of NaOH = 1 mol. The 0.5:1 = 1:2 molar ratio of H3PO4 to NaOH ensures the formation of Na2HPO4: H3PO4 + 2 NaOH = Na2HPO4 + 2 H2O.

3.6.6-1. Both carbon and silicon have four valence electrons. To attain the electron configuration of a noble gas by becoming a cation or anion, a carbon or silicon atom would need to either donate 4 electrons or accept 4 electrons, which is too many. Consequently, carbon and silicon atoms prefer to form shared electron pairs.

3.6.6-2. Graphite and diamond.

3.6.6-5. True. See 3.6.2.

3.6.6-6. Watch this video demonstration.

3.6.6-7. False. While CO2 does react with H2O to give H2CO3, CO does not react with water to give an acid.

3.6.6-8. CO + H2O = CO2 + H2 (in the presence of a catalyst). Water-gas shift reaction is run on a large industrial scale to make hydrogen.

3.6.6-9. (c).

3.6.6-10. Mixing Na2CO3 with acetic acid in a 1:1 molar ratio would produce NaHCO3 but also sodium acetate (Na salt of acetic acid) that are not easy to separate from each other. Instead, a portion of Na2CO3 should be treated with excess vinegar to produce CO2 that should be bubbled, in excess, through a solution of another portion of Na2CO3 to give a solution of baking soda:

Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2 = 2 NaHCO3

Leaving the resultant solution to evaporate will produce pure solid NaHCO3.

3.6.6-11. The main ingredients of toothpaste are CaCO3 and water. Heating toothpaste would first result in evaporation of the water. Further heating at a much higher temperature would give rise to CaO due to the decomposition: CaCO3 = CaO + CO2. Mixing the thus produced CaO with water would produce limewater, an aqueous solution of Ca(OH)2: CaO + H2O = Ca(OH)2. If limewater turns cloudy on bubbling a gas through it, the gas contains CO2: Ca(OH)2 + CO2 = CaCO3↓ + H2O.

3.6.6-12. Almost true, but not true. Silicon is the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust, next to oxygen.

3.6.6-13. True.

3.6.6-15. (a) SiO2 and CaO; (b) SiO2, CaCO3, and Na2CO3.

3.7.4-1. All.

3.7.4-2. Bauxite.

3.7.4-4. (b).

3.7.4-5. The amount of H2 produced will be the same. Regardless of whether it is an alkaline or acidic solution that is used for the reaction, it is hydrogen in the oxidation state of +1 that is reduced. 1 g of Al metal can reduce a particular quantity of H (+1) regardless of its source.

3.7.4-7. False. Aluminum metal does react with water if the protecting layer of alumina is somehow removed from the surface. See section 3.7.3 and Figure 3-90.

3.7.4-8. If you were able to solve this problem, you are great, congratulations! If you could not solve it, do not be too upset, as this is a somewhat tricky one. I have met PhD chemists who were not able to find a solution to this problem. On mixing solutions of AlCl3 and NaOH, first insoluble Al(OH)3 is formed and precipitates out: AlCl3 + 3 NaOH = Al(OH)3↓ + 3 NaCl. However, if NaOH is used in excess, the insoluble amphoteric Al(OH)3 first formed will dissolve due to the reaction producing soluble NaAlO2 (see Figure 3-93, right). To tell which test tube contains which solution, a small amount (say a couple of drops) of either solution should be carefully added to the other solution without agitation. A white precipitate of Al(OH)3 will be formed at the top of the liquid within the time of mixing due to the formation of Al(OH)3. Now, swirl the contents of the tube. If the precipitated Al(OH)3 dissolves on agitation, the solution that was originally in that test tube is NaOH because Al(OH)3 dissolves in NaOH (see above). If the precipitate of Al(OH)3 does not dissolve on thorough mixing, the test tube with the mixed solution originally contained AlCl3 with which insoluble Al(OH)3 does not react.

3.8.5-1. Magnetite (Fe3O4) and hematite (Fe2O3).

3.8.5-2. (c).

3.8.5-3. Fe3O4 is a mixed Fe(II)/Fe(III) oxide that can be represented as FeO•Fe2O3. One of the three Fe atoms in Fe3O4 has an oxidation state of +2 and the other two +3.


(a) Fe2O3 + 3 CO = 2 Fe + 3 CO2
(b) 2 Fe2O3 + 3 C = 4 Fe + 3 CO2
(c) Fe2O3 + 3 H2 = 2 Fe + 3 H2O
(d) Fe2O3 + 2 Al = 2 Fe + Al2O3
(e) Cu cannot reduce Fe2O3 because copper is less reactive (poorer electron donor) than Fe, see Figure 3-50.


(1) Iron dissolves in HCl: Fe + 2 HCl = FeCl2 + H2
(2) On treatment of FeCl2 with KOH in water, Fe(OH)2 precipitates out: FeCl2 + 2 KOH = Fe(OH)2 + 2 KCl
(3) In the presence of alkali and air, Fe(OH)2 is oxidized to Fe(OH)3: 4 Fe(OH)2 + O2 + 2 H2O = 4 Fe(OH)3
(4) Fe(OH)3 decomposes on heating: 2 Fe(OH)3 = Fe2O3 + 3 H2O
(5) Fe(OH)3 reacts with HNO3 to give Fe(NO3)3: Fe(OH)3 + 3 HNO3 = Fe(NO3)3 + 3 H2O
(6) Ferric nitrate decomposes on heating: 4 Fe(NO3)3 = 2 Fe2O3 + 12 NO2 + 3 O2

3.8.5-8. (d).

3.8.5-9. Sample A; see subsection 3.8.4.


(a) HSO3- + H2O - 2 e- → SO42- + 3 H+ (acidic conditions)

(b) 2 NO3- + 12 H+ + 10 e- → N2 + 6 H2O (acidic conditions)

(c) 2 NO3- + 10 H+ + 8 e- → N2O + 5 H2O (acidic conditions)

(d) NO3- + 2 H+ + e- → NO2 + H2O (acidic conditions)

(e) H2O2 + 2 OH- - 2 e- → O2 + 2 H2O (basic conditions)

(f) P + 4 H2O - 5 e- → PO43- + 8 H+ (acidic conditions)

(g) Cl2 + 12 OH- - 10 e- → 2 ClO3- + 6 H2O (basic conditions)

(h) NO3- + 6 H2O + 8 e- → NH3 + 9 OH- (basic conditions)

(i) MnO4- + 2 H2O + 3 e- → MnO2 + 4 OH- (neutral conditions)

(j) H2 - 2 e- → 2 H+ (acidic conditions)

(k) Cl2 + 4 OH- - 2 e- → 2 ClO- + 2H2O (basic conditions)

(l) NO2- + H2O - 2 e- → NO3- + 2 H+ (acidic conditions)

(m) NO2 + 2 OH- - e- → NO3- + H2O (basic conditions)

(n) Just kidding. There is no change in the oxidation states of N or H in the formation of NH4+ from NH3.

(o) H2S + 4 H2O - 8 e- → SO42- + 10 H+ (acidic conditions)

(p) Cr2O72- + 14 H+ + 6 e- → 2 Cr3+ + 7 H2O (acidic conditions)

(q) MnO4- + 8 H+ + 5 e- → Mn2+ + 4 H2O (acidic conditions)

(r) I- + 3 H2O - 6 e- → IO3- + 6 H+ (acidic conditions)

(s) Zn + 4 OH- - 2 e- → ZnO22- + 2 H2O (basic conditions)

(t) 2 Cu2+ + 2 OH- + 2 e- → Cu2O + H2O (basic conditions)

(u) Cu2O + 2 H+ - 2 e- → 2 Cu2+ + H2O (acidic conditions)

(v) ClO3- + 2 H+ + e- → ClO2 + H2O (acidic conditions)

(w) Mn2O7 + 14 H+ + 10 e- → 2 Mn2+ + 7 H2O (acidic conditions)

(x) CrO42- + 4 H2O + 3 e- → Cr(OH)3 + 5 OH- (basic conditions)

(y) Al + 4 OH- - 3 e- → AlO2- + 2 H2O (basic conditions)

(z) FeO + 2 H+ - e- → Fe3+ + H2O (acidic conditions)